NWNJBA Activity Calendar
Listing of NWNJBA Meetings and Events
2024 Monthly Meeting Schedule
Scheduled and Past Meetings for 2024. Meetings are generally on the fourth Thursday of the month or on Saturdays.
Speakers, topics, agendas, and dates are subject to change. We will do our best to keep members notified of any changes.
July and August
Warren County Farmers’ Fair
Hunterdon County 4H & Agricultural Fair
Dates: Warren: July 27–August 3
Hunterdon: August 21–25
If you have used the club’s resources (Managed Mentoring, honey extractor), you are requested to take at least one shift at one fair in exchange. Please see our fair pages for signups.
Saturday, September 21
NWNJBA September Membership Meeting
Topic: How to Make Other Stuff from Your Hive
Time: 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Address: 230 Willow Grove Rd
Stewartsville, NJ 08886
Tameeka Chang, Mim Dunne, others as available
Agenda:​ How to make products based on wax and/or honey you can sell or give away
- Soap
- Lotion
- Candles
- Lip Balms
- Food Coverings
Saturday, October 19
NWNJBA October Membership Meeting
Topic: TBA
Time: 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Address: Hunterdon County Rt 12 Complex, Building 1
314 State Route 12, Flemington NJ
Saturday, December 7
NWNJBA December Holiday Party
Topic: Food, Celebration, Raffle
Time: 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Address: Hunterdon County Rt 12 Complex, Building 1
314 State Route 12, Flemington NJ
Board elections
Vote on updates to Constitution and By-Laws
Holiday raffle
Spirit Award
Be Merry
PAST: January 25
NWNJBA January Membership Meeting
Topic: Catching Up with the Honey Queens and Princesses
Nicole Medina, 2018 NJ State Queen and 2019 American Princess
What have you been up to?
What did you learn from your travels?
Are you still keeping bees?
Where are you working?
PAST: February 22
NWNJBA February Membership Meeting
Topic: Repair Your ’Ware:
Build and Fix Your Boxes and Frames
Instructor: James Zdepski
Assemble hive boxes
Learn how to use a frame jig to build frames quickly
Repair broken hive furniture
PAST: March 28
NWNJBA March Membership Meeting
Topic: Swarm Traps
Speakers: Rick and Idria Knecht
What’s a swarm trap?
Different types
How to build them
Where, when, and how to put them
What to bait them with
PAST: April 13
NWNJBA April Hands-On Field Session
Hive Inspection
Instructors: Kevin Inglin, Rick Knecht, Jean Miller, Laura Joiner, Doug Atkinson
Especially recommended for new beekeepers. Come to our mentoring yard and go through a hive inspection with experienced beekeepers
PAST: April 25
NWNJBA April Membership Meeting
Topic: Minding Your Own Beeswax:
The Business of Bees, LLC
Taryn Lozinguez
When to start a business
Kinds of businesses
Tax advantages
PAST, May 18
NWNJBA May Hands-On Field Session
Topic: Spring Management
James Zdepski, Jean Miller, Laura Joiner
Inspecting your bees
Signs of health and distress
- Planning for the summer
PAST, May 23
NWNJBA May Membership Meeting
Topic: UBO Hygiene Test Kits
How to test your bees for Varroa-hygienic behavior
Speaker: James Zdepski
What is Varroa-hygienic behavior?
The Optera UBeeO kit
PAST, June 22
NWNJBA June Membership Meeting
Topic: Langstroth Alternatives
Time: 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Tameeka Chang, James Zdepski, Rick Knecht
What other kinds of hives are there?
Pros and cons
Are they better for bees?
Are they workable for beekeepers?​